COVID19 Information

Live statistics and coronavirus news tracking the number of confirmed cases, recovered patients, tests, and death toll due to the COVID-19. World Update,  Sri lanka Update

Ayurveda economy has seen up to 90 per cent growth post-COVID: Harsh Vardhan Indian Ayurveda economy has witnessed up to 90 per cent growth after the COVID-19 pandemic, as Ayurveda has gained global acceptance. The sector has also witnessed a significant surge in export as well .

ANMRC Projects

Soaking up the Benefits: Borrow from Japan’s Hot Springs Tradition

Japanese people have loved onsen since ancient times for the comfort they bring to mind and body. We introduce the beauty benefits and anti-ageing effects offered by hot springs while examining the relationship between the Japanese people and onsen. ANMRC join hands with Japanese partners to introduce the goodness of hotspring products to enhance helathcare in the region.

Soaking up the Benefits: Borrow from Japan’s Hot Springs Tradition

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is the perfect weapon to fight germs. It hits hard against pathogens like Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and Pseudomonas Aeroginosa. Yet this powerful weapon is 100 percent safe for humans, chemical free, non-toxic and all-natural (Times, 2019). That’s an impressive combination. It has been used in the medical field for over a century. Before antibiotics were available, HOCl was used to irrigate and disinfect wounds (Wounds,2014) in World War I.  It is now used in everyday settings including daycare centers, hospitals, and even produce sections in grocery stores. ANMRC is joining with Japanese counterparts to explore HOCl to enhnace community helathcare in the region.

Food as Medicine: Highlights

Food Is Medicine: The Diet of Medicinal Foods, Science &
History (ncsu publication)

Hippocrates was to thank for the famous quote, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” —which we translated to “food is medicine” and use as our motto. Still to this day medical doctors and historians consider Hippocrates to be the founder of medicine as a “rational science.”  Considered to be one of the most inuential gures in the history of medicine and healing

Soursop – Sri-Lanka ayurvedic medicine recomended

Soursop is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to boost immune health. The vitamin strengthens your immune system, improving its ability to defend against pathogens. It also promotes the destruction of free radicals, which can help to protect your skin and cells from environmental oxidative damage. ( whole soursop fruit contains 215% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Soursop is not only a delicious and healthy fruit but it is used by Ayurveda to treat illnesses ranging from stomach ailments to cancer.

HYUGA TOUKI & INU TOUKI : A Miracle Herb from Japan

Hyuga Touki (日向当帰) and Inu Touki, in other name “Nihon Yama-Ninjin (Japanese mountain carrot)” are Japanese ginseng that grow in southern part in Kyushu island, called “Gift from God”. It contains 38 kinds of mineral, vitamin, ingredients in leaf and root. Due to its too high nutrition, root of hyuga touki must be prescribed by doctor in Japan, however the leaf of hyuga touki is edible. Root of inu touki is also edible.


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Sri Lanka


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